
who could ask for anything more?

The sun was shining on this beautiful Saturday. No, I didn’t venture out to enjoy the sunshine even though it’s beaming through my windows. So, in order to be productive, I slapped a face-mask on popped in the Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movie, “Shall We Dance.” This is serious work, people.

Fred and Ginger movies make me so happy. The music, the dancing, the dialogue, the wacky situations are perfection. And Ginger Rogers?Lady was FIERCE! She NEVER takes crap from anyone. She knows what she wants and gets it. So when she does start to fall in love with Fred Astaire, when they’re dancing, it is magical and she is totally caught off guard. The movie centers on these rumors that the two of them are married and someone addresses her as “Ma’am.” Her response, “Ma’am!? It’s MISS!” Hell yeah! Love her. These movies were so smart and sharp. They just don’t make them like they used to. Yes, I’m a 75-year-old woman. Bite me.

As the sun sets, my pores are smaller, my skin is glowing and Ginger Rogers is my hero. Oh, and btDUB, a little fact I picked up watching the special features, which I do with all classic film dvds, Fred Astaire’s daughter is Ava Astaire. How fabulous do I feel!

Happy Saturday, bitches!

1 comment:

Vigrassc said...

I totally did the same thing on Saturday. I was like hey thats some nice sunshine for me to enjoy indoors. love you Ava Fierce.