For. Real. Watch me do work.
Ok, yes, I realize there are a few logistical “issues” with this newfound goal, but damnit, you can’t fight *destiny*!
I mean, YEAH, I will need to:
a) Date from a pool of attractive men who will become senators (Democrats, thank you!) without looking like a total gold digga. Kanye, don’t go there.
a) Date from a pool of attractive men who will become senators (Democrats, thank you!) without looking like a total gold digga. Kanye, don’t go there.
b) Actually get into a relationship. (shudders)
c) Probably should start burying those skeletons in my closet!
d) Take up noble causes. And push my agendas of arts and education. Mwahahaha.
e) Marry the dude.
f) Make some pretty babies.
d) Take up noble causes. And push my agendas of arts and education. Mwahahaha.
e) Marry the dude.
f) Make some pretty babies.
g) Hit the campaign trail, winning the American people over state by state until they vote for
my man.
h) Move into the White House.
Oh, and do it ALL while looking FIERCE!

So, it’s obviousthat Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis is my inspiration. Clearly.
I even busted out my book, “What Would Jackie Do?” for further inspiration! Etiquette, style, class, grace, this woman was it all. I could SO do that! But as Galatea pointed out, I will need to accept that people will say bad things about my husband and will scrutinize how I run my family. All very important points to consider. But I think I could rock it out.
Another reason (a very nerdy reason) why I want to be First Lady, is to live in and with the history of the White House. I love me some historical facts and items. I love living in history. And I think I would enjoy living in D.C. for four to eight years. And like I said in my last post, I’m not the most political gal, but I would like to do some good and serve the public’s best interest. Plus, dignitaries will LOVE me! I would really like to do some international goodwill. I’ve got this you guys! I've. Got. THIS! Who's with me? Ava's husband for Prez in 2016? YES I CAN, BITCHES!

Plus, I’ll look FAB in oversized sunglasses and chic clothes. Truth.
it's hilarious that you softened the "r" in "digger." white people: gotta love us.
Are you taking applications for a personal assistance team. I know a really cute gay couple who would be perfect for the job.
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