haaaaaay gurl. lookin good.
They make me yawn. I see a girl wearing them at the bus stop and I kinda feel bad for her. And these were actually a cute pair of khakis. But she was probably wearing an argyle sweater under her jack-YAWN-et. Oh. Excuse me. Ahem. What was I sayi...khaki pants. Right.
It's not like I've never worn a pair of. Oh no sir. Homegirl worked at a golf course for at least five summers. But that was a uniform. Perhaps it's the hours and hours of wearing an ugly polo shirts and khaki pants/shorts, sweating in the sun or freezing in the early Midwest mornings, that has tainted my view.
The last pair of khaki pants I owned was in 2004. College. They were pretty cute. They had a wide leg trouser cut. But anytime I wore them, I felt so unoriginal. This can be a minor problem when you're dating a Republican/golfer/futher accountant. (We all know how THAT relationship ended, right?)
As far as I'm concerened, one can make a stronger fashion choice and NEVER EVER wear khakis...unless they are part of a uniform or your golfing.
My work here is done.
I disagree. There's nothing hotter than a mom in a baggy pair of khakis.
goddammit....what's worse than khaki pants? YELLOW TYPE. I cannot read that shit. It's baggier than khakis on my eyes. What's wrong with khakis, other than how plain they are? We are full of pablum like that, this society, we are.
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