
it's all happening

A warm welcome and holla playa to anyone reading this!

Well, here it is. At long last, my little corner of the Internet. For quite some time now, I have found that the events in my life, whether profound or mundane, find a way of playing with my brain. Moments and ideas I find inspiring, challenging, and frustrating are fueling me to FINALLY unleash upon the world my modest but earnest point of view.

It is amazing how often the smallest things I notice during my day-to-day routine will spark me. Something I read, something I see, someone I overheard or talk to, a song I listen to, the weather, or a memory find a way of resonating with me. There is so much to take in around us, so much to feel and be curious about. So that is what I wish to do: play and respond to these resonating inspirations.

These musings. It’s all pretty amusing, isn’t it?

I encourage comments. It will probably make my day. So, have at it, Homeys. Once again, welcome and thanks for stopping by. I hope to hear from your crazy asses soon!

Peace, Love and Awesomeness-

1 comment:

Vigrassc said...

Look a comment! Here we go into the unknown!